Sunday, November 14, 2010

Jewelry Box

When I was a sophomore in high school, my boyfriend at the time was in shop. He made me this precious little box, and I mainly kept notes from him in it. Well, that time is long past, notes that were in the box thrown out, but I just could not bring myself to throw it out. It was genuinely a nice wooden box. It would be such a waste to get rid of it. So, I revamped it, see what you think.



Now some have asked what is that painted on the top. It is an "S" that I downloaded from a fancy font from , if you have not been to this fabulous website, you should. It has tons and tons of awesome fonts that you can download for free.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Felt Headband

I recently have been playing around with felt. It is easy to work with, bright fun colors, and awesome for the sewing beginner, which would be me. So, like I said I have been doing some projects here and there. I decided to spiffy up an old head band of mine with some fantastic felty flowers. This is how it turned out:

Pretty darn cute if I do say myself.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Tissue Paper Wreath

I saw this on someone else's blog a while ago... and I can't remember where it was, but anyway it looked really cute and easy so I decided to try my hand at a tissue paper wreath. I am still not sure that I like it, and it kinda reminds me of something that you would see at a fiesta. Oh well here we go.

Like I said, I am not totally in love with it, but I put the time and effort into it. So, I did hang it on the door for all to see.

We'll see if I can whip out something better for Christmas. In the mean time, this will do.